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BY Stephen Nartey, 3:55pm June 18, 2024,

Woman unaware she is pregnant gives birth at restaurant

by Stephen Nartey, 3:55pm June 18, 2024,
Woodfork (right) experienced a rare cryptic pregnancy. Photo: Facebook / Tameka Woodfork

Tayvia Woodfork delivered a healthy baby boy in a Golden Corral bathroom, though she was unaware she was pregnant until the moment of birth.

While enjoying dinner at the all-you-can-eat buffet in North Little Rock on May 4, Woodfork experienced sudden stomach pains, leading to the unexpected arrival of her son. In a nod to the unforgettable location, she named the newborn after the beloved restaurant, according to the New York Post.

Shortly after experiencing stomach pains, Tayvia Woodfork delivered her baby, Tamaar Kylon Corral Woodfork, in the Golden Corral women’s restroom.

“I’m still in shock,” Woodfork told local news station KARK. Upon arriving at the restaurant with her family, including her mother, Tameka, Woodfork headed to the bathroom, believing she was experiencing cramps.

“I ain’t make it to the table,” she recalled. However, what Woodfork thought were cramps turned out to be contractions, and she quickly gave birth to a baby boy.

“My sister went around and looked in the toilet and was like, ‘I ain’t ever seen nothing like it. It’s a baby!’” Woodfork recalled.

Woodfork experienced a rare cryptic pregnancy, where the person is unaware of their pregnancy until the late stages or even until labor begins, according to Medical News Today.

Despite the unexpected circumstances, baby Tamaar was born completely healthy, his family reported.

“The baby was six pounds. It was a full baby,” grandmother Tameka said. Baby Tamaar’s birth did not only surprise Woodfork but also everyone at the Golden Corral restaurant.

Staff and diners applauded Woodfork as she exited the bathroom on a stretcher, her family said. Back home in Mississippi, everyone is eager to see the “Golden Corral baby,” according to the family.

The restaurant chain acknowledged the baby’s surprise birth in a Facebook post, saying he now holds the record as the youngest Golden Corral fan.

“IT’S A BOY! Please join us in welcoming Tamaar Kylon Corral Woodfork, who was so excited that his mother was dining at Golden Corral that he decided to join her!” the restaurant wrote.

“Both mother and son are doing great, and we could not be happier! Welcome to the Golden Corral family Tamaar! You’re the new record holder as the youngest fan of Golden Corral! And don’t worry, we’ll make sure Mom is well taken care of with Golden Corral gift cards… while she’s taking care of you.”

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: June 18, 2024



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