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BY Sandra Appiah, 12:00am April 03, 2012,

Women In Leadership Development & Empowerment (WILDE) LLC Launching

by Sandra Appiah, 12:00am April 03, 2012,

Friday June 22nd , 2012 (Atlanta, GA): Women in Leadership Development and Empowerment (WILDE) LLC will be celebrating its launching during an evening of dining and entertainment at The Spring Hall, 7130 Buford HWY, Atlanta, GA.

W.I.L.D.E is a community based organization made up of a unique network of professional women from diversified backgrounds and experiences who aim at enhancing women’s skills and involvement at all levels of society. Our goal is to positively impact the lives of men, women and children of all ethnicity while creating better communities through our innovative approaches, network of women and services.

Women In Leadership Development & Empowerment (WILDE) LLC Launching

MISSION: To empower a new generation of women ready to take up leadership roles at the workplace, promote community development, and enhance interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships, while building self esteem and overall appearance.

VISION: We promote better workforce, communities and homes by encouraging women to bring their vision and leadership, knowledge and skills, views and aspirations into the development stream.

THE LAUNCHING: Attracting people nationwide to share in our vision and get involved. Profits from the launching will be used to promote WILDE’s charity projects, and will also benefit two Nonprofit Organizations. Please stay tuned as these organizations will be announced in our April Press Release. This event will also honor proven leaders who continue to show a commitment to improving the lives of individuals and the community in general. You may now nominate yourself or a deserving individual to be honored with the WILDE Leadership and Service Award. Please email your nominations to

We recognize our Platinum Sponsors 2C Africa, and our Media partners and FACE2FACE Africa. We also recognize Yemi Thompson photography and Fly Vizion DJ services.

We currently welcome corporations, small businesses, and individuals who are willing to partner with us for this event. Please contact us today by phone (770) 496-4323 or by email for our sponsorship opportunities.

Ticket information:  Limited tickets are now on sale for $85 before April 31 st , 2012 and $100 then after. Purchase your tickets today on our website or directly from Eventbrite. Call or email us today for group rates and table discounts.

Last Edited by: Updated: September 15, 2018



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