BY Nduta Waweru, 2:04am July 17, 2018,

Zimbabwe opposition plans to change the country’s ‘cursed’ name for this odd reason

Photo: Businessdaily

Before it was Zimbabwe, it was known as Southern Rhodesia, and now the opposition feels it is time for this name to go.

MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa announced that the party will change the country’s name when it comes to power after the July 30 elections.

Speaking in one of the campaigns, Chamisa said that they will name the country Great Zimbabwe as a way to reclaim its greatness and start off its economic transformation.

The first thing which should be done under our economic transformation agenda is to change the name of the country. Zimbabwe cannot remain Zimbabwe because it has been turned into Zimbabwe ruins. We will be renaming it to Great Zimbabwe in line with the greatness which is coming. We are a great country.

Chamisa further placed the blame for the country’s woes on ruling party ZANU PF and said they will also rename provinces in line with the transformation agenda.

“The name Zimbabwe is cursed as you can see our national soccer teams always loses matches; cricket team is always defeated, volleyball is always defeated,” he added.

His plan also involves moving the government seat to Gweru even though Harare would still be the capital.

Chamisa is vying for the presidential position against current president and Zanu PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa in what is the country’s first election since Robert Mugabe ouster.

It is not the first time a country has been renamed. Just recently, Swaziland’s King Mswati III changed the kingdom’s name to eSwatini.

In the past, Mobutu Sese Seko made his mission to Africanise the Democratic Republic of Congo, renaming it Zaire and its capital Kinshasa from Léopoldville. He also changed the names of other cities and towns.

Last Edited by:Nduta Waweru Updated: July 17, 2018


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