What Can We Learn From Africa’s Fastest Growing Economies?
Bravo to Côte d’Ivoire, Tanzania and Senegal for emerging as the top three fastest growing economies in Africa, according to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) latest World Economic...
Chad Woos Global Investors to Help Rebuild Its Economy
After emerging from a period of social and political unrest, the government of Chad is inviting prospective foreign and local investors to take advantage of a wide range of incentives the country is poised...
Fake Sex Pills in Africa, A Worrisome Trend
Sexual impotency, also known erectile dysfunction in medical parlance, is a global problem affecting millions of the male folks across the world. However, Africans’ increasing reliance on assorted...
Can Africa Truly Feed Itself?
Africa is currently a net-importing region that spends over $35 billion annually on food importation. Keen watchers of African affairs and stakeholders in the agricultural sector are divided on why the...
Fighting Child Abuse in African Societies
The legendary anti-apartheid icon and former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela once said that there can be no greater reflection of a society than how it treats its children. Contrary to wise counsel...
Rwanda Says Yes to African Criminal Court
The Rwandan government has reaffirmed its commitment and support for the establishment of an African criminal court to adjudicate on cases relating to terrorism, crimes against humanity and war crimes...