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Gone are the days when Africans used to look up to Hollywood for enjoyable movies. They can now get a dose of their everyday entertainment back home thanks to the advancing African film industry. With...
As a maturing democracy, Africa continues to make great strides towards an egalitarian society where everyone has a chance of becoming who they want to be. Unfortunately, the journey to a democratic African...
Surprisingly, studies have shown that the leading cause of death in Africa is not HIV, cholera or malaria, but the seemingly inconsequential accidents happening on a daily basis, especially on the roads....
Six years after he was arrested and imprisoned by a militia group in the town of Zintan, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of the former Libyan President Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, promises to reestablish peace...
For so long, Africa has remained at the mercy of foreign donors and the so-called “development partners” for survival – a situation that has reduced many African countries to vagabonds....
Even though Africa still lags behind other continents with reference to the use of technology, the continent is now engrossed in real digital transformation, with governments, corporate entities and individuals...
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