Five prolific African first children nurtured by their fathers to be presidents
Succession in leadership in traditional African community was designed that the first son of the leader, whether the king or chief, would take over from his father. However, some events may change...
11 interesting facts about black soldiers who served in the American army since 1775
African American history is intertwined with the essence that is the American reality. They not only took part in different forms of agitation for themselves as black people but also for America as a country....
Meet Alexander Pushkin, Russian poet and great-grandson of a Cameroonian chief
Born on May 26, 1799, Alexander Pushkin, who nicknamed himself Afrikanets, is considered one of Russia’s greatest poets and the founding father of Modern Russian literature. Alexander Pushkin started...
Elizabeth II is also Queen of these eight Caribbean Islands
If you think Queen Elizabeth is only the Queen of England, well here’s a lesson for you. She is the monarch of other 16 countries, including these eight Caribbean Islands. World map locating the...
Top 5 countries in the Caribbean with highest HIV infections
According to statistics, the Caribbean has the second highest HIV prevalence after sub-Saharan Africa and one of the lowest percentage of people with suppressed viral loads in the world. Some of the...
When hysterical laughter forced schools and villages in Tanganyika to shut down in 1962
Before Tanganyika joined forces with Zanzibar to become Tanzania, an incident that took place in one of the towns called Bukoba had people wondering what was happening. Three students at a German school...