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BY Mildred Europa Taylor, 7:13am November 23, 2023,

Here are 6 things you should never do at Thanksgiving dinner

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by Mildred Europa Taylor, 7:13am November 23, 2023,
Thanksgiving dinner. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Ms Jones

The history of Thanksgiving in the United States dates as far back as 1621 when it was observed by Pilgrims and Puritans who emigrated from England and settled in New England.

In the 1860s, Abraham Lincoln passed a presidential proclamation to call for the celebration of Thanksgiving Day across all the states in November annually.

Celebrated as a public holiday, Thanksgiving Day is anticipated by many people for various reasons. For some, it’s a time to spend with family, give thanks and enjoy delectable recipes. Others look forward to it because it is yet another day away from the pressures of work and school.

As families gather around their dinner tables to celebrate the joyful feast, here are some things experts say you shouldn’t do at Thanksgiving dinner in order not to ruin the experience.

Don’t come empty-handed

Make sure you carry along something with you when invited for Thanksgiving dinner to show how grateful you are to have been invited. Even if the one who invited you asks you not to bother bringing anything, send something little – it could be drinks, desserts or a small box of chocolates. A board game wouldn’t also be bad.

Avoid talking about politics or religion

Stay away from discussions about religion or politics as they may create controversy and dampen the spirit of the day. Even if such conversations arise, you can excuse yourself and head to the washroom or change the topic. And remember also to avoid advising on issues about guests including their career or marriage, their parenting skills or relationship status, especially if you have not been asked to share what you think about such matters.

Don’t gossip 

Avoid gossiping about relatives who couldn’t come to the dinner as that could show you in a bad light.

Don’t brag about your children’s achievements

You can mention in passing that your son won a scholarship or sports competition without bragging about it by repeating it several times. Not mentioning it as an aside might hurt other guests who probably have kids who are not doing well in any school activities.

Don’t criticize the cook

Rather than touching on how you could have done better with the recipe for the meal, you should show appreciation that someone spent their time cooking for you on Thanksgiving. And never ask for leftovers especially if your host hasn’t considered wrapping the rest of the food up.

Don’t bring an uninvited guest

Never bring in a guest who wasn’t invited as your family and friends or host might not like that. If you intend to bring a surprise guest, let your host know beforehand.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: November 23, 2023


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