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BY Farida Dawkins, 3:00pm September 05, 2018,

5 ships that transported enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas

by Farida Dawkins, 3:00pm September 05, 2018,

5 ships that transported enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas

Replica of the Guerrero…TMDb


The Guerrero was a Spanish slave ship that held 561 Africans.

The Guerrero became embroiled in a battle with a British anti-slavery ship named the HMS Nimble which resulted in the drowning of 41 slaves. The incident occurred near a reef off the coast of Florida in 1827.

After the crew and slaves were saved from the wrecked ship, Spanish crew members seized two ships and took close to 400 slaves to Cuba where they were sold. The remaining slaves were sent back to Africa.

Last Edited by:Francis Akhalbey Updated: September 5, 2018



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