BY Sandra Appiah, 12:00am March 03, 2011,


 Off the coast of West Africa, Cape Verde consists of ten volcanic islands and five islets. The islands were uninhabited until discovered by the Portuguese in 1456; African slaves were brought here to work on plantations. Independence from Portugal came in 1975. African culture is most evident on the island of Santiago—where half the population lives. Cape Verde enjoys a stable democratic system. Water shortages hinder agriculture, but tourism is a growing industry.


Fast Facts

Population: 476,000
Capital: Praia; 107,000
Area: 4,036 square kilometers (1,558 square miles)
Language: Portuguese, Crioulo
Religion: Roman Catholic, Protestant
Currency: Cape Verde escudo
Life Expectancy: 69
GDP per Capita: U.S. $1,400
Literacy Percent: 77


Industry: Food and beverages, fish processing, shoes and garments, salt mining
Agriculture: Bananas, corn, beans, sweet potatoes; fish
Exports: Fuel, shoes, garments, fish, hides


Source: The National Geographic
CIA- The World Factbook

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014


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