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BY Edna Owusu-Ansah, 9:54am April 21, 2014,

Ghanaian Entrepreneur Looks To Build Car Empire

by Edna Owusu-Ansah, 9:54am April 21, 2014,

apostle kwadwo safo cars

Ghanaians depend largely on imported cars, but self-made man Apostle Kwadwo Safo (pictured) hopes to build a homegrown car industry for Ghana in order to reduce the country’s increasing reliance on foreign cars, according to an AFK Insider.

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Kwadwo Safo, a self-described apostle, has 250 apprentices working for him building Kantanka cars. Kantanka creations have a Ghanaian flair due to the car dashboards and TVs being made from locally grown trees. Kantanka-branded vehicles have features, such as engines that start and are controlled with a gold watch and solar and electric cars. Products waiting to hit the market include Kantanka pick-ups, buses, TVs, aircrafts, and programmable robots.

Watch news coverage of Apostle Kwadwo Safo’s inventions here:


Safo recently launched his latest SUV called “Kantanta Odeneho II,” which doesn’t rely on fuel or gas power but rather multiple batteries. This titanic machine uses about 13 batteries to power it. In 2013, Safo debuted a four-wheel-drive vehicle, which could be started with a walking stick, and according to the inventor, his inspiration comes from the biblical story of Moses who used a walking stick to divide the Red sea.

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Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: June 19, 2018


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