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BY Nduta Waweru, 7:02am August 08, 2018,

Greeting styles and gestures you need to learn when you visit these African communities

by Nduta Waweru, 7:02am August 08, 2018,


Swahili is the language spoken across East Africa. It is also a group of people in Kenyan and Tanzanian coast.  In Swahili, one can greet others using the word ‘habari yako?’, which loosely translates to ‘what’s your news?’  Other words include ‘hujambo’ (single) and ‘hamjambo‘ (plural) to ask ‘how are you?’

There is also a specific greeting between children and elders, where the child must be the one to initiate the greeting by asking ‘Shikamoo’ and the older person has to reply with ‘Marahaba’ before they can go ahead and find out more about the other person.

According to language professors, the word Shikamoo comes from shikamu, which refers to nashika miguu yako (I touch your feet), which was an ancient form of greeting between Bantu elders and the youth. The response, Marahaba’ is derived from Arabic, and means ‘I give you my blessing’.

Last Edited by:Nduta Waweru Updated: August 8, 2018



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