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BY D.L. Chandler, 11:58am June 03, 2014,

Teen Student Commits Suicide After Allegedly Being Caught Cheating On Exam

by D.L. Chandler, 11:58am June 03, 2014,

Omotayo Adeoye bronx

Omotayo Adeoye (pictured), a 17-year-old student at a prestigious high school in New York, reportedly committed suicide, after she was allegedly caught cheating on a German exam and humiliated in front of classmates. Adeoye reportedly jumped to her death in to the Hudson River as onlookers watched last Thursday.

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Adeoye, who lived in the Bronx, was allegedly caught taking a look at her cellphone during an Eva Malikovaexam at Harlem’s High School for Math, Science, and Engineering, reports the New York Post. Her teacher, Eva Malikova (pictured), reportedly took her phone and reprimanded her right in the classroom. Despite her apologies, Malikova reportedly wasn’t convinced at the sincerity of Adeoye’s apology.
The New York Post reports:

“Her teacher, Eva Malikova, “was walking around the room and saw [Adeoye] on her phone,” a male classmate said.

“She snatched it away from her and started screaming at her, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t be cheating! You guys shouldn’t be cheating! You guys are lying to yourselves!’ ”

Adeoye burst into tears, sobbing, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“Oh, you are not really sorry,” Malikova allegedly snapped back. “That’s not a sincere apology!”

After being excused to go to the restroom, Adeoye left a suicide note behind and never returned to her seat.

From the Post:

At around 2:15 p.m., a teary-eyed Adeoye scrawled her desperate note on the test, then asked to use the bathroom.
She never returned — instead walking from the West 140th Street school to the Hudson River’s edge at West 165th Street.

Shocked fishermen watched helplessly as she placed her ID on a rock, then jumped in the water.

The city’s Department of Education is investigating the matter, and Malikova did not teach last Friday. The Post reported that students allegedly heard Malikova screaming over the news in her classroom.

Adeoye’s father said his daughter did not know how to swim and witnesses say she apparently forced herself underwater.

Beside herself, Adeoye’s mother reportedly told the press, “She was a good girl, but I can’t talk about it.

If Adeoye’s death is confirmed as a suicide, it will be the 14th public school student suicide for the 2013-2014 school year.

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Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: June 19, 2018


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