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BY Nii Ntreh, 4:00pm December 02, 2019,

Remembering celebrated writer James Baldwin with five of his greatest debates and speeches (Videos)

by Nii Ntreh, 4:00pm December 02, 2019,

James Baldwin vs William Buckley

In 1965, Baldwin and the man most believe to be the modern father of American conservatism, William Buckley, had a debate at the Cambridge Union.

On the motion, “Has The American Dream Been Achieved At The Expense of The American Negro?”, Baldwin showed both a depth of humanity and intellectual vigor rarely seen in argumentative sports.

He further dissipates Buckley’s view that the lot of America’s black people is self-inflicted since the Irish and Italian immigrants were also discriminated against.

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: December 3, 2019



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