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BY Mildred Europa Taylor, 11:30am November 28, 2019,

These are America’s top 10 best states for entrepreneurs in 2020

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by Mildred Europa Taylor, 11:30am November 28, 2019,
Image result for georgia
Photo: Tour Guide Georgia, Tbilisi


Coming ninth, the study said “Georgia is a southern state that has been on the rise lately, with Atlanta especially leading the way. Venture capital has been plentiful in Georgia for new businesses. In 2018, 112 companies received $1.14 billion in venture capital funding, about $10.2 million per company, which is one of the highest amounts in the study.”

“Most entrepreneurship indicators are favorable for starting a business in Georgia. The percent of the population that started a new business, 0.42 percent, is much higher than the national rate. The percentage of entrepreneurs who started their business out of opportunity rather than necessity was also better than the U.S. average. The one factor potential entrepreneurs in Georgia should note is the poor early survival rate of startups, with only 76.12 percent of them making it through one year of business.”

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: November 28, 2019


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