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BY Ama Nunoo, 12:39pm February 20, 2020,

Having issues keeping your marital problems private? Here’s how Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker do it

Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker

When it comes to marital baggage about gorgeous couple Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker, there is absolutely no information that one can dig up on them as they have always handled their issues internally (which others can’t) instead of calling each other out in the public.

The couple, who are in the 15th year of marriage, joined rapper T.I. and his wife, Tiny, on his ExpediTIously podcast on Valentine’s Day where they discussed marriage and how to handle its pressures, especially when you’re public figures.

Also approaching their 10th year of marriage this year, the Harrises have, however, not been so good at that as there have been quite a few occasions where they have gone back and forth in public instead of sorting things out privately.

During the interview, the Atlanta rapper asked the Real Husbands of Hollywood star and his wife how they have managed to do that.

“One thing I can say, speaking from a married couple that has not been as good at keeping your problems in house, how do you make it look so easy and how do you guys seem so perfect? It’s the cat eyes ain’t it? It’s the damn cat eyes,” he jokingly asked.

After the couple shared how long they’ve been married and Ari joked about their 15 years being “like 70 years in Hollywood,” Boris meticulously answered T.I.

“I always say, life’s not easy but it’s simple. And what I mean — I tell my kids that all the time. If you make some right choices, life can be very simple. There might be challenges that might come up, that you’re not in control of — which is the not easy part,” he started.

“But if you have a solid constitution of values and principles you can get over those challenges. And in a relationship, I think it’s the same thing. When you are willing to give the other person the space to mess up cuz we all human. You have to be willing to give your partner a chance to f*ck up royally and not run for the hills. But to stick it out, grow through the process, with your partner as well as individually and you come out of the other end a better human.”

T.I. chipped in and jokingly said: “I think that’s how she got to be such a good human. Because of me f*cking up so much.”

Still curious, T.I. wanted some more answers.

“How do you keep it where it stays inside, stays in house. I haven’t heard any dirt on them,” he asked.

Boris replied and said: “I don’t think there’s a lot of major dirt but we also respect each other enough that I would never want to embarrass myself or her or the kids or anybody.”

“That’s so sweet,” T.I. said. “You making all of us look bad.”

Last Edited by:Ama Nunoo Updated: February 4, 2021


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