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BY Farida Dawkins, 12:33pm May 22, 2018,

10 African music stars who have lived their lives to the fullest

by Farida Dawkins, 12:33pm May 22, 2018,

Miriam Makeba

Zenzile Miriam Makeba was born on March 4, 1932, in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Called Mama Africa, Makeba was an activist, actress and singer.

The breast cancer survivor never allowed the misfortunes of life stop her from her love of music.

Makeba’s South African passport was cancelled and henceforth she became a public advocate for the abolishment of apartheid. She also testified against the South African government at the United Nations.

When she married Black Panther Stokely Carmichael, she was ostracized in the U.S. which prompted her and Carmichael to move to Guinea.

Makeba was named a UN Goodwill ambassador in 1999 for being a humanitarian.

She popularized world-music to a Western audience and advocated for Pan-Africanism.

Makeba also set her own standard of beauty, choosing to wear African jewelry, natural hair, no make-up and refusing to use skin lighteners or appear in advertisements for them.

Makeba died on March 9, 2008.

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: May 22, 2018


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