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Popular black celebrities you didn’t know went to school together

by Novieku Babatunde Adeola, 12:30pm September 16, 2019,
Popular black celebrities you didn’t know went to school together
Jada Pinkett-Smith and Tupac Shakur, 1996_Photo: Kevin Mazur Archive/WireImage/Getty Images

Jada Pinkett Smith and Tupac

Their friendship began at an Art school in Baltimore on the first day. A friendship engrossed with passions, it was described as thorny. Speaking in an interview with Howard Stern in 2015, Pinkett said their friendship was never romantic.

Image result for Jada Pinkett Smith and Tu Pac moments
Jada Pinkett-Smith and Tupac Shakur_Photo:

“Now, being older, I have more of an understanding about what that was between us,” she said. “You have two young people who have very strong feelings, but there’s no sexual chemistry at all,” she went on. “If Pac and I had any sexual chemistry we might have killed each other because we were both so passionate,” she said, “it was hard enough just us being friends, we had a very volatile relationship.”

Their relationship ended on a sour note before he died.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: September 17, 2019



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