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BY Olympia Jarboe, 10:36am February 11, 2015,

6 Dimensions of Africa Must Unite for Continent To Achieve Full Potential

by Olympia Jarboe, 10:36am February 11, 2015,



African Unity

Home to more than 1 billion souls, more than 3,000 languages and dialects, and hundreds of ethnocultural distinctions, Africa is the continent of the greatest yet least tapped potential. The whole world has its hands and eyes on Africa in an attempt to utilize this wellspring of potential to its advantage.

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For centuries foreign merchants, explorers, and invaders traversed the continent, drawn to its wealth and majesty. As the birthplace of humanity and civilization, Africa is the heartbeat pumping the blood that sustains the world.

However there looms an uncertain death if the organs of the African body are not properly nourished and harmonized. The six regions of Africa must find a way to unify and burst open the reservoir of talent and skill before the fountain runs dry.

Our forefathers and foremothers envisioned a strong, unified, and liberated Africa that would be capable of competing with many of the world’s superpowers. Yet this dream has appeared to fade away and the dreamers have become discouraged.

Even with Africa’s shortcomings and challenges, there still remains a glimmer of hope for this generation: The diversity of the continent, and the spirit of the people, presents African leaders and the African Union with a unique opportunity to revisit and revitalize the African Dream.

The six regions of Africa which are identified as North, South, East, West, Central, and the Diaspora must unite politically and consciously.

Political unification would require greater regional cooperation, organized intercontinental travel and trade, a well-equipped military force, and regulation of continental affairs with little-to-no foreign interference.

Conscious unification involves an African mind-set that understands that regardless of ethnic, tribal, religious, and geographical differences, WE ARE ONE.

Unfortunately, the world views the entire continent through the lens of pervasive poverty and failed governments, but we must take deliberate action to change that perspective.

It is the responsibility of every African person, African every nation, every African region, and every African leader to redefine Africa’s image and destiny; we must take the continent to new dimensions.

SEE ALSO: New War and Old Judgement: The Study of Political Violence in Africa, Part 3

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: February 11, 2015


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