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BY kolawole hakeem, 8:00am August 31, 2016,

7 Reasons To Send Your Kids to School In Africa

by kolawole hakeem, 8:00am August 31, 2016,

Africa is a great continent with abundant human and natural resources. To a racist, it’s a dark continent, but to others, it’s a place of treasure that lives on in their memories even after years of crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

If you fall within the latter category and there is a lot of doubt in your mind about sending your kids to school in Africa, here Face2Face Africa looks at some of the reasons why that decision may be the smartest choice you ever make.

Cultural Consciousness

A major player in the enslavement of Black people has been the distortion of their cultural consciousness. When people’s cultures are distorted, the ability to deal with reality is impaired. Thus, sending your kids to school in Africa is a process of re-Africanization, which will make them aware of the existence of their beautiful and fascinating culture.

Agent of Restructuring

The African culture like any other culture has it flaws; no culture is omnipotent. Your kids coming back to Africa might be a causative effect in the modification and optimization of African culture as a result of their wider exposure.

Self Identification

There are black people scattered around the world that have lost their self-identification after years of slavery and change. By sending your kids to school in Africa, you are giving them the opportunity to search, rediscover, and reconstruct their true identities that have likely been transformed after years of colonization and slavery.

Agent of Black Nationalism

The Black world is faced with a series of problems that can only be solved by the people itself. Schooling in Africa would give your kids the spirit to administer and control their own communities. As a part of African society, they will begin to take their destinies in to their own hands and help to fix communal problems.

In addition, schooling in Africa is an exercise in the concept of Black nationhood. Schooling among their people will give them the right attitude and foster Black upliftment within them.

Inculcate Racial Pride

When you live with your people in a world where you share the same way of life — free from any form of racial abuse — pride in one’s self sets in, erasing the abusive effects of  discriminatory behaviour.

Fluency of Indigenous Languages

For those who want their kids to speak their local languages, one of the best ways to achieve this is by putting the kids at school back home in Africa.

There is no true African-centered education unless it is controlled by the African people in an African environment.

Role Model to Others

As an advocate of pan-Africanism, sending your kids to school back home in Africa would go a long way in passing the right attitudinal message to others who are in doubt.

Be an example today. You won’t regret it.

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: August 31, 2016



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