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BY Stephanie Chukwuma, 1:00am January 25, 2012,

An Increase in Risky Abortions Worldwide

by Stephanie Chukwuma, 1:00am January 25, 2012,

Though some may choose to close their eyes and believe that abortions don’t happen, the reality is that they do. Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, it is important to know that high risk abortions are growing extensively around the world.

An Increase in Risky Abortions WorldwideAccording to the World Health Organization, the number of abortions has begun to taper off globally, while the numbers of risky abortions around the world continue to increase.  Between 1995 and 2003, the number of induced abortions decreased from nearly 46 million to about 42 million. The decline in the occurrences of abortions was higher in developed countries, where nearly all abortions are safe and legal, as opposed to developing countries where more than half are unsafe and illegal.

Abortions are usually considered unsafe in areas that lack the necessary tools and resources to carry out an abortion without causing physical impairment to the Mother. Abortions are deemed safe when all the essential equipments are provided to terminate the fetus.

The World Health Organization defines an unsafe abortion as a procedure for terminating an unpremeditated pregnancy carried out either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or both. Statistics show that worldwide almost half—48% of all induced abortions are unsafe. In developed countries, 92% are safe, but in developing countries, 55% are unsafe.

Maybe people would be less inclined to proceed with unsafe abortions if they knew what the possible outcomes were. Regardless of a person’s reason for going through an unsafe abortion, it  is important that they understand the consequences of their actions. According to the World Health Organization, it is said that approximately 5 million women per year are hospitalized due to complications involving abortions. In addition to this, an estimated 13 % of maternal deaths occur worldwide due to unsafe abortions.

Abortion is not a form of contraceptive. Abortions should not be taken lightly and people, especially in developing countries, must be well educated about the consequences.

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014



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