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BY Renarda Joy, 1:19pm April 29, 2014,

Here’s Your Guide to Proper Skincare

by Renarda Joy, 1:19pm April 29, 2014,
black skin care

black skin care

Beauty is a celebration of self, it starts from the inside and exudes and spills on to the outside.  The saying by most grandmothers is true, “What is done in the dark will come to light.” In other words, how you take care of yourself on the inside (i.e., drinking plenty of water and healthful eating habits, etc.) will determine how your body looks and reacts on the outside. As promised, let’s delve in to getting upclose and personal with our skin. Do you know what’s your skin type?  Don’t worry if you don’t, by the time you read this you will!

SEE ALSO: Here’s Your Path to Glowing Skin

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Below is a guide to your skin type. Which skin type do you have?






Small pores, dullness, skin feels tight after cleansing


Large pores, acne prone, always shiny


Forehead, nose and chin are oily while the cheeks are dry


Similar to Combo but less shine in the T-zone area


black skin care

Keep in mind even the most amazing products won’t do diddly squat if it’s not meant for your skin type.






Wash with mild, creamy soap-free at night; just rinse with warm water in the am

Your skin needs creams that contains major hydrators like silicone, ceramides, or glycerin.


Use a cleanser with salicylic or alph-hydroxy acid to get rid of dead skin that cleans and clears sebum

You probably think you don’t need to moisturize but you do; get a non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores)


Oil-free foaming cleansers with salicylic acid helps rid the oil without giving you dryness

If the dry areas are red and/or irritated use calming creams with chamomile or aloe


Wash twice a day with a gentle soap-free cleanser

Use noncomedogenic lotions


I hope this brings clarity and points your skin in the right direction.

Please send your beauty questions to

SEE ALSO: Recharge Your Battery To Be the Best You!

Last Edited by:iboateng Updated: April 29, 2014



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