Lake Nasser, Egypt
Lake Nasser is one of the last remaining habitats for the Nile crocodile, a species whose population is fast declining.
Lake Nasser is one of the world’s biggest artificial lakes with its waters sharing borders with the two neighboring countries of Egypt and Sudan. A section of the water body is referred to as Lake Nubia by the Sudanese to commemorate the Nubian homeland that was submerged under the waters during the formation of Lake Nasser.
Dimensions of the Lake are at a length of 479 km and a maximum width of 16 km. The maximum depth of the lake is 590 ft while the average depth is 83 ft. Lake Nasser can store water of about 132 cubic km.
The lake is named after Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President (a leading figure of the 1952 Egyptian Revolution) who initiated the Aswan High Dam project.