On Gender
“Women of Africa and African descent, the history that you make today records not only the iron determination of our people to be free, but also, our proclamation to the world to take note of the fact that colonialism and imperialism are a decadent force with their backs to the wall and that they must be helped to liquidate themselves. Our rich heritage must be restored to us. Women of Africa and African descent, yours is the duty and privilege of hoisting high the nationalist banner of redemption; yours is the glory of answering the call of our beloved Africa; yours is the enviable opportunity to call a decisive halt to the ruinous penetration of colonialism and imperialism in Africa; yours is the honour to fight relentlessly for the total emancipation of this great continent: yours is the task of projecting the African personality to the world of today.”
“To Ghana Women And Women Of African Descent” – Conference of African Women, Opening Address, Accra, 1960