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BY Farida Dawkins, 2:30pm July 20, 2018,

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

by Farida Dawkins, 2:30pm July 20, 2018,
Man with a lace front wig installment...YouTube

When we hear of body augmentation, we often think of women and the endless pressures they are faced with. Women are often bombarded with messages of constantly needing to prove themselves and their insecurities are fed with promises of a better face, hair, booty or body if they take drastic or not so drastic steps.  All in all, the imperfections of women are capitalized upon and used as a money-making tool.

It is not just women who have these issues. Men also face societal pressure to fit certain images.

When it comes to black men and women, our features are revered except when they are on our bodies.  The size of our lips, the width of our hips and the thickness of our hair amongst other things are all appreciated commodities when they are featured on other races and ethnicities.

There is a growing trend of black men getting lace front wigs, fake beards, and the like to quell their own anxieties. Let’s delve further into this notion.

Lace front wigs and beards are a trend gaining traction among black men.  Many hairstylists who specialize in installing and the maintenance of lace front wigs are now giving black men drastic transformations. Take a look below to see an example:

The age old question of does size really matter is still a great conversation starter and debate. Regardless of your opinion on the matter, men are opting to take penis enlarging pills, apply creams, ingest oils or perform exercises to achieve the desired size.  There is a belief that black men are more endowed, nonetheless, it does not apply to every black man and some are feeling the need to do something about it.

Women are not the only ones having surgery for an ideal breast size. Men have also joined the line for the look of perfect pectorals. For those who can’t achieve the look by going to the gym have instead opted to have surgery for instant results.

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Patient Ayo Adesina gets cosmetic surgery to achieve a look suitable for him…BBC

Do I look fat? Black men are now asking the same question and using liposuction as an option to fix their problem.

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Donovan Nelson from Sussex UK has spent $13,113 for cosmetic procedures…Daily Mail

Who would think calves would make men rush to the surgeon’s table? Some black men are paying the money and enduring the pain of surgery for picture perfect calves.

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Patient has undergone surgery to insert calf implants…Dr. Sharon Giese

At the end of the day, it is your choice if you choose to alter your body in anyway.  It is important that we recognize in the black community that men and women face pressures and are faced with some of the same demons. It is time we learn to face our own inner challenges thus we’ll help each other in the long run.

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Lace fronts, fake beards and penis enlargement: Black men losing themselves to beautification

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: July 20, 2018



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