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BY Nii Ntreh, 4:00pm December 06, 2019,

These are the five African countries leading the way in global tech innovations

by Nii Ntreh, 4:00pm December 06, 2019,
These are the five African countries leading the way in global tech innovations
A pneumonia-detecting jacket for babies in Uganda. Photo Credit:

Uganda’s pneumonia-detecting jackets

A pneumonia-detecting jacket for babies was created by a Ugandan inventor Bryan Turyabagye in 2018. He called it “Mama Hope” in memory of the over 27,000 Ugandan babies who die from pneumonia due to late or wrong diagnosis every year.

But Turyabagye’s invention is changing lives, at least, on a small scale for now. CNN calls his invention a breakthrough in biomedical invention.

Currently, the inventor is working with other partners to develop a more user-friendly version of his jacket.

Last Edited by:Kent Mensah Updated: December 6, 2019



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