BY Sandra Appiah, 12:00am July 21, 2011,

Ways to tell your man you love him without saying it out loud

If you want to show your guy that you think that he’s special, you could just tell him that you love him: He’ll always want to hear that. But the best way to make him feel loved is to offer some simple everyday acts of kindness that show him that you understand and appreciate him. This helps to infuse a deeper sense of trust, friendship and togetherness within your relationship.

Ways to tell your man you love him without saying it out loud

Give him your ear (even when the subject doesn’t interest you)
Next time your guy demands your undivided attention, give it to him. even if that particular conversation isn’t about something that strikes you as emotionally meaningful (i.e. politics, sports e.t.c.). These talks can make him feel as connected to you as you feel when he opens up about his emotions, and most importantly it makes him feel like he is being heard.

Give him some “Guy Time”
Most women in relationships want to be their guy’s “best friend” and a lot of times this is the case; but sometimes he needs to go out with “the guys” so he can hang loose, talk or not talk, play video games, and do “guy things”. Let him have that guy time, and it will prove valuable to your relationship. P.S: Make sure you schedule a “girls night out” as well!

Give him what he wants (before he know he wants it)
Little acts of thoughtfulness relay something bigger to our partners. It’s about tuning in to their needs, and making them the priority. Actions like this will touch his soul and let him know he’s important to you without you having to say it. This also applies in the bedroom. Being pursued reminds your man of when he was single and makes him feel attractive and wanted. No man will turn that down.

Give him your admiration
Your guy’s self esteem is tied to how well he handles the job of being a “real man.” As a boy your man was always trying to get his mother’s approval and now, as the girlfriend or wife, you represent the feminine approval that he desires and needs. So give freely and give often, making sure you keep your praises genuine.

Give him his adulthood
For some reason, I always think back to a time as a kid, when I was riding the NY subway with my Mom and this woman was scolding her guy bout something he did. He just had his head down and continued to repeat: “okay, I won’t do it again.” I was in awe because the situation was more like a parent talking to a child, not like two partners “in love.” I remember my Mom whisper under her breath “Mother him and he will act like a child.”

One of the greatest gifts you can give a man is his freedom: the freedom to stop being controlled. Don’t try to control his irresponsible behavior. He has got to learn from his own mistakes so he won’t repeat them. (Of course if the problem is serious — if  he’s drinking or gambling too much, taking drugs and or seriously damaging his health — you can say something about it, just don’t treat him like a kid).

Give him his dreams
We all need dreams. Dreams connect us to a past that felt limitless. When he talks about his dreams (as unrealistic as some of them may be) be positive, not negative. You want to be the connected and supportive partner and not the one who rained on his parade.  

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014


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