It’s no surprise that women are strategically revolutionizing the nature of music bands — one song at a time!
Increasingly, African women are heading their own bands, and men are taking the back seat. Over the past few years, the public has embraced the refreshing tunes of female musicians such as Maia Von Lekow, a Kenyan singer, who through her the versatility of her music, captivates the soul of her audience. She does this with her remarkable acoustic guitar solos — and with her band comprised of all men. Her songs have been featured in the African films, "Imani" and "From a Whisper," productions that have won African Academy Awards for Best Soundtrack.
Another contemporary African musician with a bold personality lives by a feminist motto: “When a guy decides to mess around with me, I simply put him back in his place.” Amani, an MTV award-winning pop musician is the lead singer of a girl band called Murfy’s fLaw. The message her band spreads radiates female empowerment. She sings to an international audience who admire her vibrant approach to music.
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