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All too soon another year has come to an end. 2019 recorded a great deal of successes in Africa, especially children breaking barriers. Face2Face Africa as usual got its lenses all over to bring to your attention the marvelous feats of some of these kids. To wrap up the year, we summarize some of the…
Happy End of Year to our cherished readers, and as the holidays wrap up, we take a look at...
Women have always fought to be recognized throughout history. However, history also reveals...
Throughout the year, it has been thrilling to have black people owning businesses across the...
The location is a compound in the North-western Nigerian state of Kaduna and the ‘Critics’, a group of teenagers, hang green fabric on a gate as they get ready for the day’s...
We discovered and retold several history stories in 2019. Day in and out, several new stories are brought to light to educate and remind the black race of the power they had and still have, as well as,...
Make the best use of it Never sorrow about yesterday For it is forever gone And tomorrow is but ahead, Never bother about it Today determines your tomorrow So what your tomorrow would be You start building...
In 2019, the global black community had to say goodbye to some of its illustrious brothers and sisters. As inevitable as the finality of life is, the pain of loss will be preserved in the hearts of all...
2019 saw some of your favourite black celebrities and power couple welcoming new babies – some being their first while others just added to the list. One of the most notable is the Duchess of Sussex,...
2019 has seen some of our favorite African musicians putting in extra work and being rightfully rewarded for it. From chart-topping singles to winning coveted accolades, these superstars contributed immensely...
It would be an incomplete year if nothing odd took place. Across the world, headlines featured some of the weirdest stories that made readers take a double look. As 2019 concludes, Face2Face Africa takes...
Political tasks have empirically been harder for black women even if they find themselves in countries where they are not racial minorities, such as in African states and the Caribbean. While it is plain...
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