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BY Stephen Nartey, 4:00pm November 01, 2023,

Former NBA star Joe Smith reacts after learning his partner has an OnlyFans account

by Stephen Nartey, 4:00pm November 01, 2023,
Joe Smith/Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Former NBA player Joe Smith is livid after discovering his partner had signed up for an OnlyFans account. OnlyFans is a subscription-based platform for selling and buying original content. His emotions ran high during his confrontation with his five-year companion, Kisha Chavis when she made moves to film the encounter.

The former NBA top pick from the 1995 Draft expressed his shock and disappointment upon learning about his partner’s OnlyFans page. He indicated that he felt disrespected, angry, and disappointed for not being informed beforehand, strongly labeling the situation as “bulls–t” and “f—ed up.”

But, Chavis held a different view. She disagreed with Smith’s reaction. According to her, she doesn’t see the harm in owning the OnlyFans page and defended her decision not to inform him earlier.

She said her content had no mass audience and it was personal, and as such, she saw no need to seek approval or inform him, asserting her right to make decisions regarding her own body, as reported by the New York Post.

Chavis claimed that she joined OnlyFans to supplement her income when her multiple jobs fell short. Smith, on the other hand, believed that Chavis should have engaged in a conversation with him before making this decision.

In the heated exchange, Chavis responded to Smith’s concerns by stating that she had been discussing various issues with him and seeking solutions, which he hadn’t provided.

In response, she created her OnlyFans page as a solution to her financial challenges. Smith disagreed, considering it an unacceptable solution. Chavis countered by reminding him that he knew her identity when they first met and expressed her regret that she had to resort to such measures to address her current situation.

Chavis was formerly known as Yasmine Pendavis in her adult actress career. It is against this background Smith confronted her about her involvement in explicit content on camera. Chavis defended herself, emphasizing that she had other jobs but turned to OnlyFans to supplement her income because her other work wasn’t sufficient. She admitted that OnlyFans was a significant source of income for her.

Smith explained that his concern wasn’t about the money. He expressed his disappointment at the lack of communication and the feeling of disrespect that came with Chavis not discussing her OnlyFans involvement with him.

Chavis claimed that they have been having conversations, but, she never brought it up to which Smith pointed out that he had discovered it without prior notice. But, according to Chavis, she had been doing what was necessary, to ensure her survival.

The origin of the initial video and how Smith came across Chavis’s OnlyFans account remains unclear. Despite earning $61 million during his 16-year NBA career, Smith disclosed in a 2018 interview with Alex Rodriguez that he faced financial challenges due to taxes, agent fees, and management fees. He revealed that he only retained about $18 million from his earnings over his career.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: November 1, 2023


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