1. Africa is home to the longest freshwater lake in the world and the second deepest. What’s the name of it? Lake Tanganyika
2. Which of the following lakes is the largest freshwater body in Africa and the second largest in the world? Lake Victoria
3. Which of the following countries has the longest coastline in Africa? Madagascar
4. The deepest river in the world is found in Africa. What’s the name of it? Congo River
5. The highest waterfall in Africa is in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. There is an argument that it is actually the tallest waterfall in the world, rather than the more commonly cited Angel Falls in Venezuela. What’s the name of it? Tugela Falls
6. Which of the following is not among Africa’s Great Lakes? Lake Duluti
7. The largest desert lake in the world is in Africa. What’s the name of it? Lake Turkana
8. One of these countries in Africa borders the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Which country is it? South Africa
9. Lake Retba, which is notable for its pink colour is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. Which country in Africa can it be found? Senegal
10. Lake Nyiragongo, which is the largest lava lake in the world, is found in Africa. Which of the following countries can it be found? Democratic Republic of Congo