3 revolutionary black artists shot and killed in their prime

Francis Akhalbey September 17, 2018

3 revolutionary black artists shot and killed in their prime

Peter Tosh

Peter Tosh

Peter Tosh was genuinely revolutionary in his thoughts and ambitions for his music and he really did want to change the world with his lyrics. Although he was thought by many to be a complicated individual due to his no-nonsense, militant personality, one certain fact is that he was a man of many talents, a revolutionary and a freedom fighter who always spoke his mind.

Tosh fought for equal rights and justice and never stuttered to tell the truth no matter who the message was directed to; he was fiercely outspoken and brutally honest. His songs ranged from the cry of legalizing marijuana, pleas for black people to realize their roots as well as social and racial equality.

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: September 17, 2018


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