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BY Stephanie Chukwuma, 1:00am February 06, 2012,

Effective Ways to Relieve Stress

by Stephanie Chukwuma, 1:00am February 06, 2012,

Between work, meetings, school, extracurricular activities, etc, the average person is worn out, tired, or simply stressed by the end of the day. Our fast paced lives may easily cause anxiety, but it is extremely important to take a few minutes at the end of the day to recoup and get our minds back on the right track. It is the only way to recharge our bodies and minds and be totally prepared for another crazy day.

Effective Ways to Relieve StressThe most effective way to relieve stress is to reserve a few minutes of each day to do something that you truly enjoy. Forget about cleaning, catching up with work from the office, and any other distractions, and give yourself a few minutes to relax. It could be listening to some soothing music  for a few minutes, watching your favorite TV show, playing with your kids, going for a quick jog around the block,  reading a few chapters from a book, or any other thing that you really enjoy doing. Everyone needs a few minutes to him/herself.  Think of it as having a little “me” time.  

Another simple way to rid yourself of constant worrying is to plan your days accordingly. Keep a planner handy and simply list what you would like to achieve by the end of your day. Having direction is essential. This will help you manage your time better, keep track of what you have to do, and ease your mind a bit as you physically cross things off your list.

Don’t be too concerned or disappointed about what you did not accomplish, just add it to your list for tomorrow. This brings me to my next point. Do not overload yourself with ridiculous amounts of work. You know yourself best; therefore you know what you can handle. Don’t unnecessarily inundate yourself with work. Why freak out working yourself incredibly hard in one day when you can plan out your schedule to have time for some fun and some work?

Lastly, being stressed is a state of mind. If you don’t feel stressed, then you are not stressed. So, don’t bring yourself down thinking about all you have to do. Don’t complain to family and friends, just get what have to do done, and let that be that. There is no need to dwell on it. 

 Think about these helpful tips when you’re on the verge of freaking out. Hopefully, it will calm you down and set you back on track.

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014



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