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BY Nduta Waweru, 11:00am September 01, 2018,

Five African queens you did not know existed

by Nduta Waweru, 11:00am September 01, 2018,

Since many African communities are patriarchal, some feats accomplished by women tend to be lost in history.  It would take many women huge accomplishments for them to be acknowledged and even praised.

This, however, does not mean that all women were forgotten. Many African empires and territories have been led and built by queens who took it upon themselves to protect their people, guide them to prosperity and even lead them to victories in war. These women are revered until today and history have put them in their right place.

Nevertheless, there are still some amazing African queens whose stories are not talked about as much, for reasons that range from their fall from grace, the negative perception by society and even having another leader trump over their achievements.

Face2Face Africa would like to highlight some of the little-talked-about African queens that existed throughout.

Last Edited by:Nduta Waweru Updated: September 1, 2018



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