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BY Bridget Boakye, 8:00am August 28, 2018,

Here is everything you missed at Ghana’s largest arts and culture festival, Chale Wote

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by Bridget Boakye, 8:00am August 28, 2018,

5. How?

The event is made possible through private and public partnerships. Although the event is free to all, vendors pay for stands to exhibit their products and services to the thousands of people who patronize the event.

Here is everything you missed at Ghana’s largest arts and culture festival, Chale Wote

Meat vendor smiles for a picture. He is sure to make a good return on his investment at ChaleWote

Here is everything you missed at Ghana’s largest arts and culture festival, Chale Wote

Local drink vendors also make a killing during the event

Last Edited by:Ismail Akwei Updated: August 28, 2018


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