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BY Sandra Appiah, 12:00am March 13, 2013,

Talents of African Cinema: Call for nominations

by Sandra Appiah, 12:00am March 13, 2013,

Talents of African Cinema: Call for nominations

BERLIN, March 4 2013/PR Africa Newswire / – You are a director, producer, writer, or you work in another field of cinema? So, join the sixth Talent Campus Durban from 19 to 23 July 2013! In addition to numerous seminars and workshops, the Talent Campus offers coaching programs for young filmmakers and film critics Africa. You have until April 1, 2013 to register!

Talent Campus is part of the International Film Festival of Durban, which runs on twelve days in late July. This year's focus on "Memetic Africa." Not only participate in the activities selected talents Campus, but they also have the opportunity to attend films and other events of the 34th International Film Festival of Durban, where almost 300 films will be presented this year. As always, the focus will be on African cinema, and openness. Thus, several screenings will take place in townships where cinemas do not exist.

Three participants Talent Campus will be coached by professionals before submitting their documentary projects to investors, publishers and potential co-producers. Other three incorporate a program for African critics of cinema. They will benefit from expert advice and will access all projections of the 34th International Film Festival Durban.

Last Edited by: Updated: February 25, 2014



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