BY Stephanie Shaw, 12:00am June 19, 2012,

The Muslim Brotherhood Secures Marginal Victory in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood Secures Marginal Victory in EgyptEgypt’s politics have gained momentum since the revolutionary ‘Arab Spring’ of 2011 when protestors called for Hosni Mubarak, their leader of 20 years, to step down.Now Egypt’s presidential elections have taken the forefront of their political upheaval.

In initial counting, The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) claimed victory with between 52 and 54 percent of the vote. The official count will happen on Thursday and, if this pattern continues, Mohammad Morsi will be the president of Egypt. However, the power in this position is limited.

The current military government of Egypt, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), dissolved the parliament in a last-minute attempt to maintain power. In a constitution issued late Sunday night, SCAF declared that it would act as a defense minister and a commander-in-chief until a new constitution is drafted. The declaration stated that SCAF would be in charge of decision relating to itself, including those having to do with war and leadership.

This new constitution, along with the creation of new laws, will be overseen by SCAF. They will not allow civilians to oversee their own budget or other internal affairs.

FJP refuses to acknowledge SCAF’s constitution drafted on Sunday. FJP claims that the parliament has the right to issue legislations now that it is functional. They maintain that power and sovereignty remains with those who have been elected constitutionally by the Egyptian people.

FJP said in an official statement, "We do not accept issuing a complementary constitutional declaration because it is not in its (the ruling military council's) power to issue it especially since the council will transfer power in two weeks. The council should respect its promise and should transfer executive powers to an elected president as it transferred legislative powers to members of the elected parliament."

The statement also included that the chosen 100 main members and 50 back-up members still hold political power as attributed to them by the parliament.

Egypt will be the focus of international political attention as their official presidential election results come in on Thursday. What happens in Egypt could set precedence for other political shifts of power throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), as they have before.


photo credit: EPA

Last Edited by: Updated: June 19, 2018


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