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I once met a boy. A nice Christian boy, who by the time I was done with him he called me “a shameless man eater.” I did not take the accusation to heart at the time. I was a...
Marriage proposals by women have become more common in recent years to the extent that some jewelers have started manufacturing engagement rings for men. In the United States, alone, about 5 percent of...
There are thousands of articles on the internet about how women can mold themselves into perfect specimens in order to keep their partner’s interest, so that these men won’t go wandering off...
The other day, I was asked an interesting question: Does being a powerful woman mean that you have to be with a powerful man for the relationship to work? Before I could answer this, I had to first explain...
Many people have experienced a relationship that has come to an end — be it yours or that of a close friend. In my observation, a majority of the time it is only females that become divided...
If you have an African Mother or Aunt or Grandmother and you happen to be female, chances are, the minute they discover that you have boyfriend, which you have been dating for longer than six months, then...
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