Photo Credit: Daily Mail
Wodaabe (Niger, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria)
The Wodaabe people are traditionally nomadic cattle-herders and traders who move around the Savannah in central and north western Africa. They are without a doubt one of the most stylish, self-preening, and fashion-centric people in the world. They are known for their elaborate attire and rich cultural ceremonies.
For the traditional Wodaabe, being stylish goes beyond catering to the desires of vanity. The customs of the tribe places a great deal of emphasis on personal beauty and charm. In popular culture, the Wodaabe are perhaps best known for the “Guérewol” festival, where intricately dressed young men in elaborate facial make-up, including feathers and beads, engage in a beauty contest of sorts as they jostle for the attention of the young women of marriageable age.