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BY Christian Djimra Koumtog, 12:33pm December 21, 2015,

Poem: We Found You Well

by Christian Djimra Koumtog, 12:33pm December 21, 2015,

African dictators

Habits over strongholds and patterns;
What’s (then) your concern?

World of similarities that seem different,
Humanity has reached the zenith of disgrace.

It’s been inflicted by politicians and their zen.

Deplorable happiness that longs to be partaken of, when will my people see your face so odd?

Bloodshed is done in the name of an unknown god, isn’t there any Good thing in our God?

Corruption was the easiest of traps that trapped our so-called leaders who didn’t (even) know better but to kill.

And percutaneous is their treatment, the mistreatment of their own people since we are blood with those same people.

Please take it easy on us and consider your own humanity; Africans in power not practicing their God-given duties, that is not our story.

You are perpetuating the bad habits of a system that is designed to divide us and hold us back; death to sins’ strongholds.

Isn’t there power in forgiveness and genuinely caring for your People?

What’s your poetry?

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: March 25, 2016


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