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BY Victhur Ihuka, 9:06am January 04, 2016,

What Single People Should Know Come New Year’s

by Victhur Ihuka, 9:06am January 04, 2016,


Dear Single People,

How has it been with you since the last time we met? Hope good.
Well, it’s that time of year again. A time of resolutions, aspirations and promises.

I have a few things I’d like to share with you before we run into each other again in the next 360 days or so.

First of all, I’m going to need you to take a deep breath for a few seconds. I know that the beginning of the year is one of the most confusing times — when you look far into the nearest future on my shoulders armed with only a will to thrive in spite of every strife — but this is no reason to lose focus of the big picture.

Second, you are awesome, not because I said it, but because you truly are. If you’ve already managed to find another single soul to enjoy life with, then well done. Carry on and know that a great relationship can be set off even on the first day of the year.

On the flip side, here’s a word of advice: there’s absolutely no need to feel pressured into getting into a relationship just because it’s the “New Year.” Keep living your life the best you can instead of searching desperately for someone to validate your existence.

I know most of your friends appear to be in a shimmering relationship and there’s always an urge or two to get into one. Relax, I say, and love yourself the best ways you possibly can. Then and only then can you properly love anyone else…when the time is right.

One of the reasons I’m writing you this letter is for you to cut me some slack. I love you, but I need a break.

Every New Year’s, I have to deal with the overwhelming pressure of harboring wishes and dreams and hopes that every other day in the year doesn’t have the pressure to do.

I’ve thought hard about finding the person that came up with the idea of making “New Year’s Resolutions” and punching them straight in the face.

It’s not that it’s a bad tradition, but what it does to otherwise reasonable adults is heartbreaking to say the least.

I want to be the first to say this: I’m not such a big deal. I certainly don’t possess any magical superpowers for the beginning of your New Year. I don’t mean so much in the grand scheme of things.

Instead, I beg you to let me pass, just like every other day of the year. Let me go. Let your time be spent as it would without me being seen as a signal for good and big things to come.

I know you’re looking forward to groundbreaking and earth-shattering successes this year.
Here’s the kill-joy: The big moments never occur when you are searching for them. The big moments are all the good memories you left behind last year and all the ones you look forward to making this year, and you know the most amazing part?

This is true every time the clock signals the birth of a new day, every day of every year.

In fact, each day you have ample chances to begin anew. The slate is clean, simply waiting for you to write on them each day, and you never know what tomorrow will bring.

So now’s the time to do that thing you’ve always wanted to do — whatever that is or however impossible it seems, because if you don’t, you have a big reason to panic.

May the souls of every single person who lost their life in the struggle for survival find peace in the bosom of the “Architect of Time.”


The New Year


Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: January 4, 2016



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