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Victhur Ihuka


I am Ihuka Victhur (Spiritual), an aspiring OAP and RockStar with extraordinarily big dreams and a passion for written and spoken words. I'm currently an Environmental Technology student in a Nigerian University of Technology.

  • Poem: Ode to Loss

    How do you deal with loss? You. Yes, you. Do you shut it out; throw your head back and swallow the pain for fear of tasting it, like we did with drugs when we were kids? Or do you shove it down this deep,...

  • Poem: Faith

    We all have a road to walk on in life Which way to go is for your heart to decide I’ve always believed that things happen for a reason Just like Mother nature and the changing of seasons Sometimes...

  • Poem: Love

    Love Why do we say it loosely with our lips and those three lightning words? Why does it stand strongly for so much when it can easily fall apart for so little? Why should it have such power over our heavy...

  • Poem: Soul Sister IX

    There’s this space we used to have. Where I always became myself. We would share our pain without trying to color it. I always left those conversations feeling like I’d seen the face of God....

  • Poem: Rise!

    Let people walk on you and you’ll become small, Only a reflection of what you could be. You deserve more, much more. You deserve love and appreciation You deserve openness, you deserve the space...

  • Poem: She-god

    She is powerful  Don’t you see it? Are you blind to the tenacity of her determination? What do you see when you look at her? Don’t you feel her vibrant energy vibrate to the galaxies beyond?...

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