Young girls are the only promise
of an Earth’s future as we know it
of a human voluntary Mothers’ pool
the most precious pool planet-wide
May 9th at 2 a.m. I had no verse for Mother’s Day.
The hour I woke, I set aside the work to vindicate the martyr, Walter, to add voice to the worldwide cry to save the Mothers’ Pool of Life in Africa. A pool made free and voluntary by Women’s resistance.
But we let Libya go and Mali with small outrage!
In Congo, after yearly rounds of rape and ravishment, the Mothers’ voluntary pool still wring their hands at human’s armed helplessness.
And voices of Faith or secular science, why do you let felons with holy phrases lie on the Prophets?
Not so heroic women who speak out
Not so this pagan, pantheist, animist, Maatist, Marxian-born Christian who in his vigor had kept Ramadan and is not shy of so proclaiming how Mohamed in his time made laws for women’s elevation.
Like Moses with the daughters of Zelophehad
On those works be Peace; they point to freedom.
The Carpenter’s question rings out without answer from any of the Popes: woman, why are the learned ones accusing you?
Spotless Sita stayed suspect in Citizens’ eyes
until self-liberated in her ordeal of fire and embraced by
the Divine Mother in her sacred earthly domain
yet lives the stubborn disrespect for the feminine
It is at height the price of obscene, sprawling power
Stalking the world, on land, on sea
in air and outer space
inspiring imitation
armed among the powerless
of almighty NATO and the drones’ impunity
which no tribunal questions
The shopkeeper and his family in Guyana and the male youth are joined in risk for whom is the protection of the law?
not for the shopkeeper and his family from the bandit
not for the male youths’ genitals, anus, mouth from the police
not for Trayvon walking through his neighborhood in Florida
not for Seetahall driving home in Trinidad
nor for Victor Ortega lying on his back in San Diego
The world’s poor and powerless and the world at large grapple with differences and fail and try again.
and it may be we have let so long neglected
the first human difference: gender
Bless us, Mothers, bless us as we falter.