The Chinese government took over Jerusalem, the Holy City-
Palestinians and Israelites could not come to terms and agree.
The Rainbow took over America and its presidency,
White and Black People did not want prosperity and unity.
Hate took over our beliefs since Islam and Christianity
Have not cultivated the love of belonging to a same humanity.
Imams, Priests, Pastors, and other Religious leaders, conclusively,
Do not have the answer since they were relying on their intellectuality —
Forgetting that we are first Human Beings fueled by Spirituality.
What happened to feeding those who hate us, a true sense of personality,
And loving those who hate us the most as we pray for our enemies?
Let us love impulsively: we will take only one thing in to eternity
It is not your most prized possession but that song sang and this poetry.
The different races, they ought to unite us, what is complexity?
The world would have been boring if it was not for the same you or different me.