Boko haram school attack
Parents Have Demands for Upcoming Meeting with President, Boko Haram Leader Mocks #BringBackOurGirls in New Video
After controversy erupted over the group of 12 parents and five students pulling out of a requested meeting with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, the families of Chibok have reportedly accepted to meet with the President next Tuesday, according to Sahara Reporters. In addition, a new video from Boko Haram seemingly takes jabs at the #BringBackOurGirls…
BREAKING NEWS: Boko Haram Release Video Of Girls Praying, Demand Prisoners Release
UPDATED 5/12/14, 10:23 P.M. EST: Nigerian Interior Minister Abba Moro has refused to give in...
China, U.S., France, U.K. & Billionaire All Pledge To #BringBackOurGirls at WEF 2014
At the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is being held from May 7th to May 9th, Nigerian President...
Nigerian Police Offer $300,000 Reward for Missing Girls
On Wednesday, Nigeria announced that there will be a reward given to anyone who can help in...
Why #BringBackOurGirls Is More Important Than WEF Africa
I’ve been to just over 10 countries in Africa and there is a common thread linking them all: one of rising economic prominence and the other more sinister story of the consistent repression...
BREAKING: After 8 More Girls Kidnapped, Nigeria Accepts U.S. Offer To Rescue Them
UPDATED 5:13 P.M. EST, 5/6/14: According to Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity Dr. Reuben Abati, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan spoke with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry...
BREAKING: Boko Haram Claims Responsibility for Missing Girls, Threatens To Sell Them
On Monday, Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau (pictured), not only claimed responsibility for the abduction of girls who attended Government Secondary School in Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria, but he also...
Worldwide Protests Demand Return Of #234Girls
On April 15th, the rural community of Chibok, Nigeria, was robbed of its most precious assets. In broad daylight, more than 200 young girls were taken from their school by armed gunmen of the Nigerian...
Concerned Nigerian-American Starts 200 Roses Ng To Bring Awareness To Missing School Girls
A steady fire has been growing in the hearts of many worldwide since it became clear that more than 234 girls were kidnapped from Government Secondary School (GSS) in Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria —...
Mothers Break Down at Abducted School Girls Protest
The Mothers of the missing Government Secondary School (GSS) students in Chibok, located in Borno State, Nigeria, staged a protest, calling for their daughters to be brought home, reports Sahara Reporters....
Number of Nigerian Schoolgirls Missing Increases, Parents Give Up Search Due to No Help
The Islamist militant group Boko Haram has been making bold and aggressive moves against the Nigerian public of late. Adding to their ongoing reign of terror, the group has been suspected of kidnapping...
Anxious Parents Go in to Forest in Search of Stolen Daughters
This week, Face2Face Africa reported on the abduction of more than 100 girls in Bourno State, Nigeria, by Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. Now, a group of desperate parents have reportedly gone in...