BY Coach Cass, 12:16pm August 10, 2015,

Fitness Tip 107: You Don’t Have To Be Great To Start, But You Have To Start To Be Great

Coach Cass
I want you to get the misconception out of your head that you need to be amazing to start. Whether it’s your fitness regimen or career or personal goal, believing you must be great to before you start your workout is like thinking you have to get clean before you jump in the shower. As a result, most people never take the first step because they’re too worried about looking good along the way. You want to save money but don’t want your friends to see you driving the save-money hoopty. You want to get in shape, but you don’t want people see you struggle to run a mile.

But you have to start to be great!

If you never start, you’ll never finish.

You have to realize it’s okay to not be the best at first, but practice makes perfect, and each day you’re one step closer to your goal. Greatness never came from comfort zones, so get up, get out, and get started!! Cheers to an amazeballs week!

RELATED: Fitness Tip 106: ‘You Are Not a Tree, You Can MOVE!!!

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Frozen fruit

Nutritional Tip of the Week 

For those of you who have a crazy sweet tooth like me or just appreciate a cool healthy refreshing snack or beverage. Try freezing fruit and putting them as ice cubes in your water or just sucking on them (see below). So tasty and refreshing!

Fit Tip of the Week 

Resistance bands are an excellent way to get your strength training in without weights. For example, try 3 sets of 20 of the following exercise. If you don’t have a band available, hug your knees and extend as one rep. Try 20, and for beginners, try 10.

Watch below!

Coach Cass Back on Track Guide

Coach Cass
Are you struggling with what to eat each day and where to begin or are you struggling to get the motivation to continue your fitness journey? To help you get back on track, I’ve created a “Back on Track” Guide for only $19.99 that includes:

– A daily featured meal and workout
– Tasty quick time-saver meal recipes
– Tips on how to get started and stay on track
– Clean-eating grocery list
– A snack list by category ( creamy, savory, crunchy)
– A sample weekly meal plan

Purchase the guide here.

RELATED: Fitness Tip 105: Nothing Will Work Unless You Do! 

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: August 10, 2015


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