cassandra nuamah
Kpanlogo, the Dance of Enjoyment
When celebrating birthdays, accomplishments, weddings, and the like, the Ga tribe of Ghana perform the kpanlogo dance, which is why it is no surprise that “kpanlogo” simply means “enjoyment.” RELATED: MOM, DAUGHTER INTRODUCE AFRICA TO WORLD THROUGH KUKUWA DANCE These days, the traditional kpanlogo dance may not be performed throughout an entire song. Still, at some point, someone will…
Fitness Tip 110: Nothing Tastes as Good as Healthy Feels
When’s the last time you… Loved the way your body looked? Just felt all around...
Mom, Daughter Introduce Africa to World Through Kukuwa Dance
African dance has sustained the authenticity of its origination as it has been passed down...
Fitness Tip 109: Choose Wisely
Making time to workout every day can be hard, BUT so can being out of shape. Prepping...
Fitness Tip 107: You Don’t Have To Be Great To Start, But You Have To Start To Be Great
I want you to get the misconception out of your head that you need to be amazing to start. Whether it’s your fitness regimen or career or personal goal, believing you must be great to before you...
Help! I’m Addicted to Sugar!
Do you constantly crave things like chocolate, cookies, cakes, donuts,and candy?! Well then you might be a sugar addict!! SEE ALSO: Fitness Tip 103: The Grass Is Greener…Wherever You Water...
Fitness Tip 101: If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Won’t Change You
This statement is a proven fact. No matter what you apply this principle to — exercise, weight loss, professional development, conquering of fears — it stands the same. To be triumphant in...