BY Coach Cass, 11:52am July 13, 2015,

Fitness Tip 106: ‘You Are Not a Tree, You Can MOVE!!!

Coach Cass

This is one of my favorite quotes from Jim Rohn, because it’s so simple and TRUE! If you don’t like the way something is, just change it! Why do we act as if we’re trees and can’t “move”? How many times have you complained to your friend about your job or your weight but still continued with that job for years and still continued to have the same lifestyle with little-to-no exercise and horrible eating habits? Granted there are certain factors in life — whether it’s financial or emotional — that make it hard for us to “move” but by no means are you absolutely stuck.

RELATED: Fitness Tip 105: Nothing Will Work Unless You Do! 

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I don’t care what it is, where there’s a will, there’s a way! If you don’t like it, change it! Start putting your plan of action together for your “move” today. That could be about getting yourself a better job or charting a career path, that could be finally managing your weight and health, that could be quitting a bad habit like smoking or overeating — whatever it is, you are not rooted to your habits, your job, or anything else in your life…you are not a tree, you can move.

— Coach Cass

Nutritional Tip of the Week:

Starving yourself to lose weight is never the answer. When you’re hungry and don’t eat, you are doing your body a disservice. Quit the intermittent fasting, because your body is only wondering, “When the heck is this guy or girl gonna eat again?” and stores the weight as fat instead of burning it for energy. In addition, your metabolism will slow down and eventually look for muscle as opposed to fat.

Instead, you want to stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent an insulin spike. This will give you more energy throughout the day. When you hit that three- to- four-hour mark, you go catabolic and your blood sugar drops drastically until you eat again. So do your body a favor and try and eat something every two to three hours — and I’m not talking about Thanksgiving dinner but something small to keep you satisfied. Think large fistful portions.

Coach Cass

Fit Tip of the Week

Here are three cardio quickie exercises you can do:

1. 5-10 Minute Turn Up: Turn on your fave song and jump rope or do jumping jacks non-stop. Make it through two songs if you can do it.

Coach Cass

2. Tabata 40/20: Go hard for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds doing five exercises:

  • push-ups
  • burpees
  • fast run in place
  • jump squats
  • jumping lunges

3. Run in place drop: For a 1 minute set, run in place for 10 seconds then drop to a burpee, come back up, and repeat. Try four of them.

RELATED: Fitness Tip 104: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable!

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: July 13, 2015


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