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BY Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson, 1:00pm November 11, 2018,

Top 10 classic African films you need to watch

by Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson, 1:00pm November 11, 2018,

Top 10 classic African films you need to watch

Black Girl- 1966

Black girl is a Sengelase movie, partly filmed in France. It centres around the life of Diouana, who seeking more to life, first moves to Dakar working as a nanny and then to France, where she hopes to continue her job but earn more money and be part of a more vibrant and cosmopolitan life. Her almost fairytale dreams are brought to an abrupt halt when she is forced to work as a slave for a couple she stays with.

The movie is a bold attempt at showing the experiences of many Africans who forcefully left for Europe with dreams and aspirations and how they deal with segregation, racism and colonisation even outside Africa. The movie is the first Sub Saharan film produced by an African filmmaker to receive international attention.







Last Edited by:Nduta Waweru Updated: November 11, 2018



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