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BY Ama Nunoo, 4:00pm August 14, 2020,

Top five things you should never do in Kenya

by Ama Nunoo, 4:00pm August 14, 2020,
Photo: Afrika news

Culture is a way of life of a people and Kenyans have a diverse cultural landscape plus they are highly rated for their hospitality. Like any country, there are certain things you should not do or say in Kenya in order to avoid a squabble with the locals, and knowing these norms will also make your stay a better one.

When visiting any country, it is essential to educate yourself on a few do’s and don’ts to assimilate easily with the locals. It makes moving around so easy and many people are pleased to know you took pains to know something about them or their culture.

You are sure to have a good time on your safari adventure or in a local café on the side of the street if you avoid doing these five things.

Last Edited by:Mildred Europa Taylor Updated: August 14, 2020



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