Photo credit: GhanaCelebrities
2. ‘Kofi Annan: African Countries Must Stop Begging from Foreigners‘
Still in April, many Africans were left with their tongues wagging after the former United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Kofi Annan blatantly told African countries to stop begging for foreign aid.
Annan was speaking at the 5th Tana High-level Forum on Security in Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he took issue with the way African governments rely on foreigners for solutions to local problems. He insisted that Africa must learn to address its own challenges.
“We should lead and get others to support us, that support will be much more forthcoming when they see how serious and committed we are,” Annan said.
For many decades, African countries have been relying on foreign donations and loans to survive. This has left many of them with huge debts that continue to drag their economies backward.